I was watching something the other day. It was a panel of people. One of the gentlemen casually said, ‘Well,
I was watching something the other day. It was a panel of people. One of the gentlemen casually said, ‘Well,
‘Haute Couture’ Twice a year. End of January, Spring/Summer. Early July, Fall/Winter. Get into it. Follow it. See what these
Funny. I have been doing something without knowing I was doing it. I did not know it had a name.
There is the ‘LBD.’ The ‘Little Black Dress.’ I made up another one. The ‘BBJ.’ The ‘Big Black Jacket.’ The
I am getting this ‘vibe.’ It did not happen overnight. I began to become aware of it over a year
Clothes shopping is not a day I set aside. It happens on a day that, well, it just happens. I
I noticed something a few years ago. At first, it was here and there. Then it became everywhere. SIZING! Why
Are you into shoes? I should be more specific. Are you into ‘runners?’ If I am in the mood for
I have been thinking about a Post I wrote, #95…NOTHING. This one is the opposite. It is my EVERYTHING. A few
It is funny how fast it can go from riding your bike to pulling out your skis. This year especially.