‘Maybe this is as Good as it Gets,’ was about a guy friend of mine. Ryan. I mentioned I would
‘Maybe this is as Good as it Gets,’ was about a guy friend of mine. Ryan. I mentioned I would
I am lucky. I have good friends. They run the gamut. I am going to deal with one of those
I have been thinking about a sentence I wrote in a recent post. LALA LAND ‘You will only find LaLa
Simple greetings. Simple gestures. Easy acknowledgements. Having manners. In my ‘neck of the woods,’ it is ‘Bonjour,’ or ‘Salut.’ Friends,
I like routine. Not crazy routine. A little structure to my day. I like to ride in the afternoon. I
There is a town I love to ride to. Two towns. One follows the other. I would say I do
I have spots on my rides that I know I should probably turn around at. Head home. They are not
I stared at the screen for a while before I started to type this Post. It is a puzzling topic.
There is some heartbreaking stuff you see when you ride, eh? ‘Roadkill’ It is a terrible word for a poor
You know what is nice? Hmm, this is kind of hard to explain. June, 21 degrees, Tuesday, and not a