I have rides that could be labelled ‘dubious.’ But to me, they are the opposite. Trustworthy and certain. There is no
I have rides that could be labelled ‘dubious.’ But to me, they are the opposite. Trustworthy and certain. There is no
You know what is fun? Gliding down a hill, and you start to pick up speed at the speed that
The hot days. The really hot days. You have already broken a sweat, and you are just locking your door.
I remember being in grade school, and a teacher whose name I still remember said, ‘There is nothing wrong with
Is it okay to love to do something, but have no interest in it? ZERO. …You just want to ride.
I have a problem with something. Haha, I actually have a lot of problems. But I will just focus on
Do you have the kind of life where if something is going to happen, it will happen in the extreme?
I carry the minimum when I ride. My minimum. House key, debit card, and a piece of ID. No phone.
I love a good quote. A good expression. A funny saying. Complicated ones. Simple ones. They are good at capturing
I had a little life-affirming ‘thing’ the other day. One of those where you say to yourself, ‘Ya, you know?