I thought I would make this post a little ramble. 

Go for a little ride. 

Not link to any sites. 

Kind of, ‘what is going on in my head,’ post. 

Things I do. 

Things I think. 

Things I like to put into practice. 

I hope you are enjoying it so far. 

Getting out of it what you want. 

Thanks for coming along for the ride. 

‘Let your style tell your story.’ 

…My tagline. 

‘Style’ is a big word and encompasses so much. 

The style of how you ride, to the style of what you wear. 

But what ‘your story’ is, is what I find intriguing. 

The chapters you write, the chapters you delete, the chapters you rewrite, and the chapters you edit. 

It is your story. 

It is a story you write on your own. 

It is a story without an ending. 

You find inspiration. 

You find ideas. 

A colour combination of a painted home. 

A female mannequin in a window while waiting at a light. 

A couch and a throw pillow. 

A car’s interior and its exterior. 

A guy walking his dog. 

I take it home in my head. 

I remember it, maybe ride with it the next day. 

I stay away from influencers. 

I don’t want my story to be influenced. 

I want my influence to come from my day to day. 


I want my story to be my story. 

I want my story to be original. 

I want my story to be 24/7. 

I do not want to ever get lazy. 

Even if it is a short walk to the Variety Store at midnight. 

I create my own trademarks. 

The way I button a shirt, the side I like to leave my shirt untucked. 

I live in a city that is hard to stand out in. 

People here go the extra mile, aka kilometre. 

It keeps me on my toes. 

My goal is not to stand out for the sake of standing out. 

My goal is to create my story. 

A personal story that is so unique that it simply stands out. 

For me, if wearing a great Polo, matched with a great pair of shorts on my rides, and not ‘the kit,’ makes me stand out, well, it is happening. 

I like to experiment. 

There are no rules. 

If you follow any, drop them, and create your own. 

Better still, break them. 

I have a couple of bikes. 

Each one’s pedals are a different colour. 

Black, Red, Fire Orange and Gold. 

There is an old one, ‘Your belt must match your shoes.’ 

I changed it around. 

‘My belt must match my pedals.’ 

Insert an unopened style bible emoji here. 

‘Wear it OUT’ 

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