It is funny how fast it can go from riding your bike to pulling out your skis. 

This year especially. 

The nice weather (aka rideable weather) hung on for a long time. 

Right through to the end of November. 

Then basically overnight, snow is on the ground, and lots of it. 

The ski hills are all going. 

You search for those warm gloves that you put away last spring. 

You start to wear that jacket in your closet that you have looked at for the past seven months. 

You spend twenty minutes looking for your toques. 

You know you put them in ‘that spot’ that you will never forget. 

You remember how you ‘wore things.’ 

Your winter style. 

There are a lot more options now. 

Summer is easy. 

Summer is faster. 

A great pair of shorts with a great shirt and a knockout pair of socks. 

Now it is a hat, jacket, scarf, pants, boots, and gloves. 

But a great hat, jacket, scarf, pants, boots, and gloves. 

Winter opens a whole new world for your style. 

You really don’t need much. 

I mean one great and warm jacket should do you. 

All you have to do is have a good collection of hats and scarves, all different styles, and the ‘look’ changes every time you go out. 

I think designers have more fun with this time of year. 

They have more options. 

Outfits to create. 

Wear this with this. 

I see it in their posts. 

It has gone from highlighting one item to showing a full shelf with multiple choices. 

Or on a model, wearing many layers. 

I don’t know how you work. 

But I am better with less choice. 

I think I make a better, happier, and more satisfying choice. 

I would rather be presented with three choices than ten. 

There is lots out there. 

You can see it in the photos. 

Full shelves. 

Multiple layers. 

You know how sometimes you see a photo, and the person is wearing multiple layers? 

They look and are styled beautifully. 

But there is one layer that has got your attention. 

Layer three. 

But there is no mention of what it is. 

I wish the post would be six consecutive photos. 

Layer one, this is what it is. 

Layer two, this is what it is. 

Then in the final photo, the total look. 

But then again, the best things you find are the ones that took some work. 




Insert change room emoji here. 

‘Dress Confidently. Ride Boldly. Ride YOU.’ 

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