I noticed something a few years ago. 

At first, it was here and there. 

Then it became everywhere. 


Why did it become so effed up? 

Messed up. 

A medium is no longer a medium. 

A large is no longer a large. 

An extra-large is out of control. 

I am not sure why it changed or how it changed, but it changed. 

Everything has gotten larger. 

What used to be a sure bet if you purchased a large is no longer the case. 

Large is now the new extra-large. 

Medium is now the new large. 

And extra-large is in a league all its own. 

I now buy medium 99% of the time. 

I am 187 cm. I should not be buying medium, but I am. 

It fits perfectly and in some cases is almost too large. 

Weird, eh? 

How, why, and when did this happen? 

It is right across the board. 

It is frustrating. 

I have lost faith that the size I will be ordering will fit properly. 

I used to put things on with the first goal being admiring the style. 

That has now become second. 

What has become primary is that it will fit. 


It has messed me up. 

I wish there were an international standard. 

There is one obvious example and an example that explains exactly what I am describing. 

You are online. 

You find a great T-shirt. 

A T-shirt that screams your name. 

There are multiple photos from every angle. 

Down below are the available sizes. 

But you are not interested in any of this. 

Your main goal is to find THIS: 

‘Mark is 185 cm. and is wearing a size medium.’ 

This is your absolute ‘go-to.’ 

But things are so messed up now that you are not sure about ‘Mark.’ 

It should not be like this. 


They are always wearing a size medium, yet they are 185 cm. 

When and how did 185 cm. become a medium? 

Haha, but you still do not trust it. 

I mean, in the big scheme of things it is not a big deal. 

You got something that is slightly too big, or slightly too small. 

I never bother returning things. 

I live with it. 

I have never and will never go through the hassle of returning something I purchased online. 

But it did something to me, something that I love. 

Like love, LOVE. 

I am back to shopping in person. 

Leave home empty-handed and return with something great. 

But, and this is reason #329 B) of why I am effed up. 

I NEVER try anything on in the store. 

Go figure? 

I think I am a salesperson’s dream. 

I only ask one question, 

‘Does this come in a medium?’ 

Insert changeroom emoji here. 

‘Dress Confidently. Ride Boldly. Ride YOU.’ 

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