# 106 BBJ

There is the ‘LBD.’ 

The ‘Little Black Dress.’ 

I made up another one. 

The ‘BBJ.’ 

The ‘Big Black Jacket.’ 

The winter one. 

Where I live, it is essential. 

So is the hood. 

You only need one. 

It becomes better the more it is worn. 

It begins to form to your body. 

It begins to give in the places where you need more flex. 

It begins to hug where you want it to hug. 

Kind of like a Cast Iron Pan. 


Seasoned to perfection. 

It does its ‘thing.’ 

So good that some days, you can just wear a T-shirt underneath. 

Those are my favourite days. 

White snow, -3, blue sky, feel the sun on your back, and a T-shirt underneath. 

There are endless styles. 

Endless designs. 

Endless designers. 

It is important to spend the money. 

But you just have to spend the money once. 

You can get so many winters out of a good one. 

You get to know it. 

It gets to know you. 

Do up the zipper without looking. 

Drawstrings have been set since day one. 

Know the precise location of every pocket. 

I am not going to send you in any direction. 

Tell you who to buy. 

Where to go. 

The right one will find you. 

There is Canada Goose. 

I would stay away from them. 

I have nothing against them. 


They make wonderful and beautiful jackets. 

If you are going to spend that kind of money, why would you want to walk out of the store and the first person you see is wearing the exact jacket? 

Everyone is telling that ‘Story.’ 

Write your own ‘Story.’

There are some incredibly beautiful jackets out there. 

Spend some time. 

Don’t go out with the sole intention of buying one. 

It will show up and say, ‘Psst, here I am.’ 

You know what I get a kick out of in the middle of the summer? 

When I open the hall closet in the middle of July and see it hanging. 

‘The BBJ’ 

Insert cloud-blowing snow emoji here. 


‘Dress Confidently. Ride Boldly. Ride YOU.’ 


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