ENTITLED Part #2 The Show Begins

OMG, I opened Pandora’s Box with my last post. 


You may want to go back and read it first. 

It will give you more ‘flavour’ for what is to come. 

I am still trying to figure out if this is good or bad. 

Good for you, bad for me, or bad for you and good for me. 

Haha, it is kind of fun, and ‘kind of fun, is kind of fun.’ 

Riding on your own has so many benefits. 

You can do whatever you want without ‘checking in.’ 

I don’t know why I get so much satisfaction from bringing the ENTITLED Cyclist down a few notches, but I do. 

I don’t look for them, I come upon them. 

Better still, they come upon me. 

Come upon in a bad way. 

They do something obnoxious. 

No manners. 

No grace. 

No etiquette. 

No style. 

Just in your face, rude. 

Zero Class. 

It does not matter if it is done to me, or if I see them do it to someone else. 

I will let them know, with no words, it was wrong. 

I will never use words or speak to them. 

‘Actions speak louder than words.’ 

I am lucky where I ride. 

There are very few intersections with lights that bring you to a stop. 

But there is one light, and it is a long light. 

It is at an intersection where lots of bikes can collect quickly while the light is red. 

There is every calibre of rider waiting for the light to change to green. 

Mom’s with kids on the back, Dad’s towing a trailer with his kids, Bixies, commuters, you name the rider, they are in the group. 

When you arrive at the light, it is only common manners that you take your place at the end of the line. 

There is a clearing in 100M, and that is when you can get ahead. 

I wait. 

And you know? 

So does everyone. 

Then I hear them. 

That clicking sound of gears. 

Lots of clicking. 

‘Here they come,’ I say in my head. 

Sure enough, they just plow right through to the front. 

Like the front, front, and like eight of them. 

Haha, but inside, I am like, ‘right on.’ 

I think if you saw me, you would say, ‘That guy is kind of smiling.’ 

I know what to do. 

I do it every time. 

I keep an eye on the light and know exactly when it is going to change. 

It changes to green. 

My cue to enter stage right. 

‘The Show’ begins. 

I slide slightly out to the side and pass everyone. 

Then I slide back in, directly behind the ENTITLED. 

I ensure I do not mess with anyone who has been waiting properly. 

The ENTITLED are now holding everyone up as they try a few times to click in properly to their pedals. 

While they are doing this, I plow right through them. 

Zigzagging, coming centimetres away. 

Making some put their foot back on the ground. 

‘TABERNAK’ they shout. 

‘TABERNAK,’ is what I want to hear. 

I know everyone who was in line saw what I did. 

I know everyone who was in line is giving me a secret ‘high five.’ 

Mission accomplished. 

‘The Show’ is over. 

I am gone. 

They will try to catch me, but they can’t. 

The ENTITLED ‘talk the talk, but they do not walk the walk.’ 

‘The Show Must Go On’ 

Insert circus tent emoji here. 

‘There is another way to ride.’ 

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