#15 Ride YOU

I had to get rid of ‘stuff.’ 

Not physical ‘stuff.’ 

Mental ‘stuff.’ 

Stuff that was holding me back. 

I mean, if I am going to ride the way I want, and wear what I want, why were there some clothes I held back from? 

One in particular. 

One that is right up there in my top five. 

One I wear all the time. 

But I was not wearing it on my rides. 

That changed about three years ago. 

I have never looked back. 

The button-down short-sleeve Oxford shirt. 


I will say it again. 

The button-down short-sleeve Oxford shirt. 


Buttoned to the top. 

Tucked in. 

Maybe a little hanging out. 

…And a belt. 

It is not exactly a shirt people cycle in. 

But I do. 

And I love it. 

When I wear something that makes me feel like a million bucks, I ride like a million bucks. 

I see the looks. 

I hear the comments. 

But I see the looks and hear the comments when I pass them on the track. 


It goes with everything. 

It turns everything up. 

The second you put one on, you mean business. 

The button-down short-sleeve Oxford shirt. 

They are all about fit. 

You want them to be tight, but not constraining. 

For a long time, I thought I was on a one-man crusade to keep this shirt and style alive. 

I am realizing now that there were ‘others.’ 

It is easier to find these days. 

Some serious designers are back in the game. 

Not only back in the game, but ‘turning it up.’ 

I have a go-to. 

I am lucky, they are based in the city I live in. 



It is a beautiful shirt. 

They have a nice colour selection. 

But for me, I like this style in either white or light blue. 

The fit is perfection. 

You can tell by looking at the model. 

Whatever size you are, buy that size. 

They are made from 100% organic cotton. 

It is strong yet soft, and as a nice bonus, breathable. 

I hope you see where I am going. 

Don’t hold back. 

Be YOU. 

Ride YOU. 

If you love something, it makes you feel great, and if it makes you feel great, you ride great. 

Wear it. 

Wear it OUT. 

‘Ride YOU’ 

Insert smiling emoji wearing Vuarnets here. 

‘Wear it OUT’ 

*When it is cooler, I will wear this shirt with a wool vest …LOOK OUT! 

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