#18 A LITTLE LOUD with a little quiet

What time is it? 


Put some clothes that look great together, together. 

There are endless options when it comes to Golf. 

Tennis, too, as I discussed in the ‘#11 OFF THE RADAR’ post. 

The ‘combo’ looks amazing when you ride. 

One sport with another sport. 

One designer with another designer. 

One colour with a different colour. 

One pattern with another pattern. 

One type of fabric with another type of fabric. 

That kind of thing. 

I am working on getting out of my comfort zone with this. 

Mainly with wearing two patterns at the same time. 

I tend to do a pattern with a solid. 

A patterned shirt with a solid short. 

A patterned short with a solid shirt. 

A LITTLE LOUD, with a little quiet. 

I will stick with this for a few posts. 

It is what I do. 

It is what I know. 

I will take you along for the double-patterned rides when they begin. 

I will start off with one that I ride in all the time. 

The one combination I am guaranteed a great ride if I wear it. 

I have a thing for blue. 

You probably picked that up by now. 

Every type of blue. 

Every colour goes with every type of blue. 

You cannot go wrong. 

Blue goes with everything. 

Even if you don’t think it will, it will. 

Every combo is a slam dunk. 

I love to wear these shorts, 


with this shirt. 


A red belt. 

Light blue socks. 

It looks great. 

It says you spent some time. 

But you didn’t. 

It came fast. 

It came naturally. 

No hesitation. 

As soon as you put the shirt on, you reach for the shorts. 

Five minutes later, you were already three blocks from home. 

Ten minutes later, you receive your first compliment. 

It is nice to find a great shirt that is quiet but has some loud. 

It does not have to scream. 

My loud is the ‘surprise.’ 

It is the shirt I am looking for. 

I like the surprise. 

You do not know where the loud part will be. 

You do not know how that loud part will be displayed. 

From the back, it could look like a simple one-coloured Polo. 

Then you turn around, and you know the person who sees it is saying ‘nice!’ in their head. 


The loud on the front and quiet on the back idea. 

Forget about everyone else. 

If you like it, wear it. 

Combo it! 

Don’t hold back. 

Always ‘Ride YOU.’ 

‘A LITTLE LOUD with a Little Quiet’ 

Insert the shining sun emoji here. 

‘Wear it OUT’ 

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