Number 4 in the NICHE SERIES 

Italian for Flowers. 

Bloom, grow, are keywords in their approach. 

I was looking forward to telling you about them. 

I get this nice Vibe from them. 

Like they are good people. 

I have mentioned before, that when you have good people behind something, you get good ‘stuff.’ 

FIORI was created by a gentleman by the name of Anthony Wagner. 

He has Italian roots and grew up in Southern California. 

A nice combination. 

He golfed competitively, yet growing up in Southern California, he got to live the Southern California lifestyle. 

Surfing, Beach, Swimming. 

His approach is to combine the two. 

He wants to open the world of Golf Style and move it ahead. 

Move it out ‘from the apparel of Golf’s past.’ 

Sidenote, something Cycling is stuck in. 

I have a Post ‘#18 A LITTLE LOUD with a little quiet.’ 

FIORI would be the ‘quiet’ part of my outfit. 

His colours and designs are unique and subdued. 

This is what they want to achieve. 

He actually mentions that they want to create styles ‘not with gimmicks or in-your-face graphics.’ 

I would love to know who created his logo. 

It is beautiful and has to be studied to be appreciated. 

A Golf Tee as the stem, a heart for a petal, and a golf ball as the Pistil. 

I mean, come on! 

I love a company, a label, that carries the level of creativity to every facet of their brand. 

There are too many instances ‘out there’ where a label’s look is not consistent. 

Everything matches up with FIORI. 

FIORI is a case study in consistency. 

He has beautiful Polos. 

I have my eye on the ‘Fisher.’ 

Check out the ‘Button Shirts.’ 

There are just two there, but two beauties. 

Here is the site. 

Have fun. 





Insert flower vase emoji here. 

‘Wear it OUT’ 

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