You know what I have not talked about? 


They are crucial and can make any ‘outfit.’ 

They can make any ‘outfit’ a statement.

I did not say ‘make or BREAK,’ because you cannot go wrong. 

They can go with an outfit or contrast it. 

I sometimes base my outfits on a pair of socks. 

I see a pair of socks in my drawer and want to wear them. 

Then I will work ‘up’ from there. 

I have never gone wrong with this approach. 

I don’t have any real stipulations for socks. 

Basically, if they stay up, and are mid-length, I am good to go. 

There are some rules about socks, but throw those out the window. 

‘Your story,’ does not follow the rules. 

Your socks should match your shoes. 

Your socks should match your belt. 

Haha, mine is, the socks should match my ball cap. 

Better still, my socks should match my pedals. 

I am not going to recommend any brands. 

There is one I was thinking of, but I now avoid them. 

I clicked a link once to their company 

Oh my, I have never been more hassled by a company in my life. 

They just showed up everywhere for weeks and weeks. 

I am not going to say, ‘a sock is a sock,’ because they are not. 

Do not buy them online. 

Buy them in person, at a good store. 

Spend some time in their sock department. 

Socks are something you want to feel. 

Too thin? 

Too thick? 

You only know when they are in front of you. 

Buy a ‘three pack’ in a safe combo colour. 

Buy a ‘three pack’ in a pattern combo that might be a little out of your comfort zone. 

Buy a ‘three pack’ in a colour combo that might be a little out of your comfort zone. 

You are good to go. 

Try the working backward ‘trick.’ 

Pick a pair of socks, then work your day’s style from there. 

You will be surprised at what you come up with. 

You will create a look that you will come back to. 

Plus, I promise you, one of your friends will say, ‘Look’n good.’ 

One little thing I have learned. 

If you want them to keep their ‘stay upness,’ never put them in the dryer. 

Socks are taken for granted. 

Change that, let your socks ‘tell your story.’ 

‘Knock your Socks Off’ 

Insert dancing emoji here. 

‘Wear it OUT’ 

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