There is the V-Neck Sweater. 

The Crew Neck Sweater. 

The Pullover Sweater. 

Those are just a couple that pop up in my head. 

There are two styles of sweaters that I want to spend some time on. 

Two that I adore. 

Two that I cherish. 

Two that dominate my closet. 

I am going to deal with one in this post. 

The Cardigan. 

Oh, how I love the Cardigan. 

Cardigans go with anything. 

Cardigans up the ante of anything you wear. 

I have a few, but not a favourite. 

I love them all. 

I do not think I have ever unbuttoned one. 

They are all and will always remain, buttoned. 

I pull them over my head. 

One of those little weird things you do. 

There are some ‘rules’ about wearing a Cardigan. 

‘Don’t match the Cardigan to your shirt.’ 

‘The middle button should be done up as well as the ones below and above.’ 

‘The bottom button should be left open.’ 

But ‘we’ know by now that there are no rules. 

We wear clothes the way we want to wear them. 

A sweater is a sweater, but a Cardigan is a Cardigan. 

If you are sitting across from someone and wearing a sweater, that person is not noticing anything. 

If you are sitting across from someone and wearing a Cardigan, that person knows you are wearing a Cardigan. 

Cardigans do that. 

It is not that you want to be noticed. 

It is more that you want to show that you are putting in the effort. 

Cardigans have a way of doing that. 



For me, it is all about the buttons. 

I do every button up. 

Always have and always will. 

Cardigans look so good with anything. 

Over a T-Shirt. 

Over a Polo. 

Over a Button Down. 

With a pair of shorts. 

With a pair of jeans. 

Under a blazer.

They are great to ride in.

Especially the ones that have two front pockets.

I have this thing. 

When I wear a Cardigan, I like to have the top button done up on my shirt as well. 

I think it has a nice look. 

Pretty well every designer has a Cardigan in their line in one form or another. 

They are easy to find. 

You can choose the knit you like. 

I would say I have an equal combo of ‘Fine Knit and ‘Medium Knit.’ 

I like them to have some type of definition and not be frumpy. 

The next time you are online looking at a designer you like or follow, click on their ‘Sweater’ tab, then go to Cardigans. 

I promise you will leave with one, or one will stay with you. 

The Cardigan is timeless, and I think that is to its advantage. 

Lots of times in fashion, timeless items get forgotten or glanced over. 

‘Forgotten or glanced over,’ is what Derailed Couture is all about. 

It is our cue to look into it. 

Paying attention to things that nobody else is, finding what we like, and, well? 

Simply wearing it because we love ‘the story’ it is telling. 

There is something to be said about wearing something that tells ‘your story,’ without saying it in ALL CAPS. 

There is NOBODY who has the Cardigan down, like Thom Browne. 










I will just leave it at four. 

Seriously, the list is endless. 

Go to your favourite designer and search ‘Cardigans.’ 

Buy one or add another to your collection. 

You cannot go wrong, and I promise it will become your ‘go-to.’ 

‘Cardagains and Agains’ 

Insert knitting needles emoji here. 

‘Wear it OUT.’ 

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