The Vest. 

Like most things, it sounds better in French. 

My other favourite sweater. 

It is a tie between the two. 



The only thing that decides whether I wear a Cardigan or a Vest is the weather. 

One of my favourite styles to ride in is a button-down short sleeve shirt and a Vest. 

I think it tells a nice ‘story.’ 

There is a certain day and a certain temperature when this combination is everything. 

The kind of day when the sun is out, but it is cool. 

I love these days and know immediately that it is a ‘Vest Day.’ 

They give that inner body warmth. 

That little warmth you need. 

The warmth that is perfect on a good ride. 

The warmth that is perfect for when you stop for a break. 

A white button-down and a black vest. 

A green polo and a navy-blue vest. 

A light blue T-shirt and a grey vest. 

It is funny, you see very few people wearing them. 

But when you do, you take notice. 

The Vest is everything. 

They are effortless, yet you made the effort. 

Styled and practical. 

Wearing one over a great shirt just ups the ‘ante.’ 

There is something to be said about layering. 

You get dressed and feel good, you can go out just as you are, but you still do not have your vest on. 

You put one on and immediately added the dimension you wanted. 

It is almost like going out, and you feel like you are missing something or not fully dressed. 

Then you put one on, and say, ‘Yeah, that is what it needed.’ 

You know? 

I just typed that and thought, this is exactly why I love Vests so much. 

I prefer a medium knit, not too thick. 

Not oversized with just that fine line of fit. 

There is also a vest style that I have been getting into. 

A Vest with a full button placket. 

I find that most Vests are reasonably priced. 

If you buy one, buy two. 

Two different colours. 

Vests are funny. 

But funny in a good way. 

Once you wear one, you really do not go back. 

Like the Cardigan, they get noticed. 

Again, you are not making your style choices to be noticed. 

You have simply found something that you love that nobody else is wearing. 

Here are some nice ones for you. 











Haha, I could go on for days here. 

I will leave it there for now. 

Okay, so the next time you are where you like to shop, search ‘Vests.’ 

I promise you, there is no going back. 

Once you start. 

Once you start wearing one. 

Once you hear the compliments. 

Once you see how well they go with everything. 

…You will be wearing one for the rest of your life. 

‘Le Gilet’ 

Insert the checkered flag emoji here. 

‘Wear it OUT’ 


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