I don’t create lists.

I don’t make lists.

I don’t write things down. 

I may bookmark a few things on my laptop. 

Write a few notes in ‘my little black book.’ 

Polos, vests, cardigans, jackets, and shorts that I have not purchased. 

Polos, vests cardigans, jackets, and shorts that I like to keep an eye on and take inspiration from. 

Most of the time, I keep them in my head. 

They say memory exercises are good for the brain. 

I know there are a few I have forgotten. 

I am not too concerned. 

There is one I won’t forget. 

I come back to them often. 

‘Check in.’ 

See what they are up to. 

They are always fantastic and ever-changing. 

New arrivals. 

New collections. 

New seasons. 


I do not have anything of theirs. 

Not yet. 

I can’t do it. 

At least not now. 

Their clothes are on a different level. 

Because they are on a different level, so is the price. 

They are expensive. 

I have a post about BOGNER. 

(#12 ARGH) 

It took me a while to purchase one of their Polos. 

It was outside ‘my comfort zone.’ 

It went up on sale, and I finally bit it and purchased it. 

…And never looked back. 

Well, what follows is out of ‘my comfort zone, out of my comfort zone.’ 

But holy shit their ‘stuff’ is beautiful. 

‘One day,’ kind of vibe. 

But here is the thing. 

I get it. 

Development, design, fabric, exclusivity, limited run, custom nature, construction, craftsmanship, where it is made, they all come into play, and so much more. 

When you see it, when you touch it, when you get it, when you wear it, and when you feel what it does to you, you realize why it is worth every penny. 

Most importantly, how you care for it. 

Cherish it. 

I am not a ‘vision board’ guy, but if I were, I would have one entry. 


Everyone should find inspiration. 

Everyone should one day wear their inspiration. 


I thought it best to send you to their site, not a page. 

Give you no direction so you can discover on your own. 


Insert fountain pen emoji here. 

‘Wear it OUT’ 

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