I like nice ‘stuff.’ 

I look for nice ‘stuff.’ 

I find nice ‘stuff.’ 

Just because I like nice ‘stuff,’ does not mean I am willing to drop the cash. 

Lots of times, I cannot afford it. 

I like to find something I like. 

Something that a very high-end designer has created, and then search for it in similar style from someone else. 

Not a ‘knockoff,’ in fact, the last thing from it. 

It can be as simple as seeing a nice grey cardigan. 

But it is priced completely out of my world. 

It is all I need to search for a nice grey cardigan, and I take it from there. 

No matter what I wear, there is always something very affordable in my look. 

I like to do this. 

A ten-dollar belt. 

A great pair of socks that came in a bundle of three for twelve dollars. 

A unique ball cap for forty dollars. 

None of these are ‘fast fashion.’ 

If ‘fast’ is ten years old and I am still wearing it, I am good. 

There is one thing I get a kick out of. 

The ‘cheap thing’ is usually what gets noticed. 

The thing that gets complimented. 

Go figure? 

I love your belt. 

Those socks are cool. 

Where did you get your cap? 

My favourite. 

One time, I was on a long ride. 

I lost my glasses. 

It was a day when sunglasses were crucial. 

I stopped at a gas station and bought a pair for nine dollars. 

I still have them. 

I still wear them, and every time I do, ‘I love your glasses. Where did you get them?’ 

I know I put attachments on my posts, and some of the items are crazy expensive. 

It is for you to get inspiration. 

It is where I get my inspiration. 

You can tell ‘your story’ in so many ways. 

I tell mine by mixing it up in every way possible. 

I just wish I could get a handle on why the things that get the most compliments are the ‘cheapest.’ 

Maybe because ‘I am working it.’ 


Insert Sache emoji here. 

‘Wear it OUT’ 

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