It does not matter where you get your music from. 

Apple, Spotify, YouTube. 

I think you will know what I am talking about here. 

If you open one of your Playlists and look at the songs that are there, many are songs you found, but many more are songs that found you. 

I find some of the best music I have, some of my favourite pieces of music is music that found me. 

Through ‘Song Radio,’ ‘Recommended,’ ‘Random,’ ‘Theme,’ all the means that open new music to you. 

‘If you like this, you may like this’ kind of thing. 

Then, from the song, you discover the band, and then a whole new world unfolds. 

‘If you like this band, you may like this band.’ 

As I write this, I am thinking, I bet ninety percent of the music I am currently listening to was found this way. 

I love it. 

Okay, so, I think the same can happen with clothes. 

For sure, I will go directly to a designer I know and love. 

In doing so, another designer shows up further down. 

I will click on them, and a whole new world awaits. 

They found me. 

I have a good one I want to share. 

This designer gives me some great memories. 

I have ‘lots’ of brothers. 

When we were young, and at the cottage, pool, or anywhere that involved swimming, our mom had these outfits for us. 

Like we wore our ‘trunks,’ but when out of the water, we had tops. 

They matched the suit, Terry Cloth, full placket. 

They were everything. 

I am getting that vibe from ‘Tombolo.’ 

Give them a look. 

You will not be disappointed. 

Like seriously not disappointed. 

The best thing? 

You know you will not see one other person wearing it. 

Or maybe you will. 

Say ‘Hi’ 

It is me, ‘TJ’ 





Insert Lobster emoji here. 

‘Wear it OUT’ 

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