#74 NOAH

They are hard to find. 

But they are ‘out there.’ 

Small, independent stores. 

The stores that have ‘their eye on the ball.’ 

They know what they are doing. 

They know their purpose. 

Their direction. 

Their aesthetic. 

Introduce their customers to unique designers and styles that fit the theme of their store. 

They carry designers you have never heard of before. 

Introduce you to them. 

Not in large quantities. 

Maybe a couple of T-shirts. 

A few sweaters. 

The store will be full of this concept. 

Designers that you wish you had known long before. 

Designers that will now become part of your ‘staple.’ 

These stores have to work hard. 

They do work hard. 

Finding unique designers and putting them on their shelves. 

The ‘Big’ stores think they are doing it. 

They think they have ‘their eye on the ball.’ 

But really it is just a design or style from the ‘Big’ designers. 

Don’t you love it when you are in some small town and you come across one of these stores? 

A store owned and operated by a girl or guy. 

A store that just screams, ‘COME IN.’ 

A store that genuinely has its finger on the pulse. 

They know what they are doing. 

They know their aesthetic. 

A store where designers come to them to be a part of it. 

They want to be in their collection. 

I remember coming upon a store like this. 

It was so good that on my next vacation, I went back to that town. 

For the store? 

For the scenery? 

For the beach? 

For the food? 

It may have been in that order. 

I have been back to that store many times. 

I can find something from them in my wardrobe in seconds. 

Heck, I am wearing one now. 

There is one company that still holds this ethic. 

Still celebrates it. 

Still lets you know where their stores are. 


A great story on their site of how they began. 

How they want to keep the ‘store’ going. 

Their site is beautiful. 

I am trying to think of the best way to describe it. 


You will see what I mean. 

A beautiful opening video. 

It sets the tone. 

I think it is one of the nicest sites ‘out there.’ 

Their clothes are beautiful. 

Their clothes are presented beautifully. 

They have a real knack for being able to combine many different styles/looks into one outfit. 

Their ‘stuff’ is too nice to send you directly to any one item. 

Like I have done in the past and will continue to do, is send you to the site. 

Introduce you to them. 

But, if you do not mind, discover the site in this order. 

#1 Watch the intro video, it is so well done. 

#2 Scroll to the bottom and read ‘Humble Beginnings.’ 

#3 Lookbook 

#4 …You are on your own. 

Have fun. 





Insert Ark emoji here. 

‘Wear it OUT’ 


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