#75 DAM!

So, in #74 NOAH, I mention a small store that I love. 

It is in the United States. 

I mention as I wrote that post, I was wearing something from that store. 

It is a cotton T-shirt. 

I knew I would like it. 

I knew I would love it. 

I should buy two. 

I bought two. 

Two of the exact same shirt. 

One to wear out of the store. 

Yes, I did not take it off once I put it on. 

The other, is for when the number one shirt will eventually wear out. 

It took many years, but it did wear out. 

I am now on the second. 

I wear it sparingly. 

I wash it by itself. 

Hang dry. 

I usually wear blank T-shirts, but this one is anything but. 

It is covered in text. 

The text is a typed letter. 

A redacted letter written by a woman. 

A letter sent to the FBI about her sighting of a UFO. 

What she saw. 

What she experienced. 

It was written in the 1960s. 

It is mainly black text, but a few primary colours were added to give it some punch. 

I have yet to see a better T-shirt. 

Where am I going with this? 

I think it is important to have a few great T-shirts in your collection that are not blank. 

T-shirts with great designs on them. 

Designs that nobody has thought of putting on a T-shirt. 

A design you can tell that when people walk by you, in their heads, they are saying, ‘DAM!’ 



Insert emoji turning around here. 

‘Wear it OUT’ 

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