I have a Post #71 FOUND. 

I praise the story of JJJound. 

I said this:  

‘My city ‘produces’ some pretty cool people. 

Montreal. It is full of coolness.’ 

I want to follow up on this. 

It is kind of non-stop. 

You do not have to look hard. 

You see it the second you close your front door. 

It is everywhere. 


If you visited here, you would pick up on it instantly. 

Okay, so there is a group of guys. 

Phil, Hugo, Bob, Eric, Charles, and Alexis. 

All good friends. 

Remain, good friends. 

They Skateboard. 

They are good. 

That says lots. 

There are lots of incredible Skateboarders here in Montreal. 

What they also do, besides being very good, is to release videos. 

Short ones at first. 

Then they began spending more time on them and making them longer. 

They were not only excellent, but they were also very entertaining. 

Their audience grew. 

…And grew. 

One day, they printed off 100 T-Shirts at a local Montreal print shop. 

‘The Dimestore Crew’ was the moniker. 

The second batch, they shortened it down to ‘Dime.’ 

They started to branch out to socks, pants, caps and jackets. 

It began to sell in stores around the world. 

You can see where this is going. 

There is far more to their story, but I will leave it here. 

They have a beautiful store here in Montreal. 

Like beautiful, beautiful. 

I like a business that carries everything they do, into everything they do. 

There is one thing that sets them apart. 

They are here to have fun. 

Skateboard first. 

Their true love. 

Designs are a collective effort. 

I read a line that said that they do not even know what they are. 

A brand? 


Video creators? 


You know what else is nice? 

Their clothes. 

They had me on their Cardigans. 

Theirs are ‘dipped’ and collared. 

You will not see this done by anyone else. 

Unique one-of-a-kind jackets, with intricate designs and stitching. 

Beautiful hoodies in gorgeous colours, with fantastic and unique designs. 

The same with their T-Shirts, Caps, and Beanies. 

‘Dime,’ is a find. 

Have fun on their site. 

…They are. 


Oh, one more thing. 

Do not click on VIDEOS unless you have at least an hour. 

They will pull you right in. 

‘Can You Spare a Dime?’ 

Insert skateboard emoji here. 

‘Wear it OUT’ 

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