Oh, man. 

You know how sometimes the most obvious things are the least obvious? 

This is a classic example. 

I have been ‘on’ this place for years, and here they are coming in at Post #85. 

I will look at this Post as being a fine wine. 

It had to sit still for a while before I opened it. 

This is a good one. 


They are based out of New York. 

They had a cool store on Rivington Street. 

They closed it to open a bigger one. 

It is in progress. 

They started as a Tailoring House making blazers for Rowing Clubs. 

I am sure you know the look. 

But not theirs. 

Theirs is unique. 


You know it is ‘one of theirs.’ 

Umm, so unique that once you see one, you will not be able to get it off your mind and want one. 

It was started by an Oarsman, Jack Carlson. 

I was so heartened to realize what they are all about. 

It strikes close to home. 

Close to Derailed Couture home. 

Follow the traditions. 

A reverence for quality, but an irreverence for the rules. 

I love their ‘stuff.’ 

The kind of clothes you ‘throw on.’ 

The kind of clothes you ‘throw on,’ come down the stairs, and your friends say, ‘You look nice.’ 

You know what I mean? 

You put them on as you are moving. 

Pull your shirt over your head while you brush your teeth. 

Do up your belt as you head down the stairs. 

Button your shirt while you look for your wallet. 

No fuss. 

Clothes that do not need any adjusting. 

They look good instantly. 

The moment they are on, you are good to go. 

Good old Rugby Shirts. 

Nice button-downs. 

Beautiful sweaters. 

Great sweatshirts and hoodies. 

Diverse Collaborations. 

The kind of clothes that, when you get undressed, you leave on the floor. 

The kind of clothes you pick up off the floor and put back on and look just as nice. 

I love these kinds of clothes. 

As nice as the clothes that must be folded or hung, I think it is essential to have a set of clothes that are not. 

Rowing Blazers fills that gap. 

The site is nice. 

What you are hoping for. 


A little ‘Preppy.’ 

A little ‘Preppy,’ is good. 

Everyone, whether they admit it or not, likes a little ‘Preppy.’ 

‘Preppy’ goes with everything. 

‘Preppy’ goes with everyone. 

Rowing Blazers has this down. 

They go back in ‘Preppy’ time, pull something out, and make it current again. 

But come on, the Blazers, DANG! 



‘Ready All, ROW’ 

Insert oar emoji here. 

‘Wear it OUT’ 

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