In my #14 Post entitled ‘I AM A TEN INCH GUY,’ I mention how I like to avoid the ‘Big Guys.’ 

Don’t get me wrong, they have some great clothes. 

But it is the small/niche designers that I find the most intriguing. 

It is like the main street near your house. 

There is a fast-food chain burger place, but two down from it, there is an independent burger place. 

A place that knows how to make a great burger. 

That is where I am going to place my order. 

In the Golf Fashion World, if I keep the Burger analogy going, there is another independent burger place, two down from it, another next door, and another across the street, one beside it, and one about to open next week. 

It is exciting. 

Everyone makes an amazing burger. 

You love every Burger available. 

Now, when you want a Burger, you want one from each one of them. 

Haha, okay, enough with the Burgers. 

But you see where I am going. 

Many Golf Fashion Designers are doing their ‘thing’ now. 

And doing their ‘thing’ on a different level. 

You have to see what is ‘out there.’ 

It is truly remarkable. 

Each designer bringing their own unique take. 

Each unique take, a masterpiece. 

I am not going to overwhelm you in this Post. 

Believe me, sending you to one of their sites will keep you busy for a half hour. 

I will break them up into a few Posts. 

Introduce you to some incredible lines. 

Incredible designers. 

Let’s start with this one. 

Devereux Golf. 


I could seriously just put their link here, close up, and call it a day. 

Where do I begin? 

There is not a Polo they make that I would not wear. 

The pricing is reasonable. 

You know you are not going to see anyone else wearing it. 

Moisture-wicking and breathable for great performance. 

I was going to add another link here to another great designer. 

I think I will leave this one as a standalone. 

They deserve it. 

Have fun on the site. 

I have a feeling that with all this ‘Burger Talk,’ you are going to have one tonight. 

I am. 

From my favourite ‘joint,’ around the corner. 


Insert French Fry emoji here…and a ‘shake.’ 

‘Wear it OUT’ 

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