
I want to start this Post off by drawing your attention to the picture I chose to anchor it. 

Those are Cufflinks. 


You are in for a treat with this one. 

I am excited to write this Post. 

I am excited to Post this Post. 

I am excited to share this with you. 

My favourite designer, Cycles. 

Not only does he Cycle, he has a line of Cycling Clothes. 

And not only does he have a line of Cycling Clothes, he collaborated to create a truly beautiful bike. 

A bike, I promise you, you will WANT. 

Okay, I will slow down. 

One step at a time, and a little backtrack. 

At one point in my life, I was a downtown guy. 

Suit and tie. 

I love a good suit and tie. 

You can wear the same suit every day if you want. 

Just change the shirt. 

Just change the tie. 

And a new look every day. 

I acquired a few suits over time. 

I had a go-to when it came to them. 

Paul Smith. 

Man, oh man, he knows how to design. 

Not only does he know how to design, he also knows the importance of the fit. 

I was lucky with him. 

I could wear him right out the door with very little tailoring. 

If I had to decide right now and here, I would say he is my favourite designer. 

A wonderful bonus? 

Paul Smith Cycles. 

He loves Cycling. 


It was not the reason I liked him so much. 

I had been wearing him for a while when I realized it. 

DERAILED COUTURE, the beauty of wearing GOLF/STYLE on your rides, writing your own story, and honouring your individuality while on two wheels. 

If you are going to wear ‘The Kit,’ wear Paul Smith. 

If I was to wear ‘The Kit’ on my rides, I would wear Paul Smith. 

Only Paul Smith. 


It says I ‘did a little work.’ 

‘I dug around.’ 

Kept an eye on the street. 

I spent time. 

I know what I am doing. 


Spent some time online. 

Googled, unique, innovative, style, beauty, genius, one of a kind, details, fit, performance, ahead, cycling, under the radar. 

I want to tell that story. 

I will not wear anything I come across. 

I care. 

I put effort into my style. 

I craft the ‘story’ I want to tell. 



…What I want people to think when I ride by. 

It is not hard. 

It should be the norm. 

I was going to attach the link right to ‘CYCLING’ on his site. 

I am not. 

I am going to send you to his site. 

I want you to see what he does first. 

Then you can see CYCLING on your own. 

It is easy to find. 


Here is the bike I was mentioning. 

…And whata bike it is. 



Do you know what makes Paul Smith even better? 

He is a nice guy. 

Funny and fascinating. 

The people who have come into his store will blow your mind. 

‘Paul Smith’ 

Insert emoji that has hearts for eyes here. 

‘Wear it OUT’ 

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