I want to let you in on a little secret. 

Better still, a little trick. 

A trick that works. 

But it comes at a risk. 

A risk for me, not for you. 

The risk is that you will think that I am a cyclist who has it down. 


Look at me. 

Look what I can do. 

Look what I do. 

I am not sure about you, but the second I get this vibe from some article or video, I shut it down and leave. 

Not into that, and especially not into that here. 

Far from it. 

The furthest from it. 

Simply, a ‘try this.’  

A ‘try this’ you would get from a friend. 

This is what I am about. 

I find it works for me, maybe it will work for you? 

I am just a ‘guy’ who loves to ride, and I ride lots. 

I have a Post ‘Count to Ten Before Pressing Send.’ 

I mention how other sports have components that transfer beautifully to cycling. 

I think the main component that people look to is strength. 

For sure, it is a key component. 

But there is one component that I think is often overlooked. 


Proper breathing. 

Breathing that lets you sustain a constant speed for a very long ride. 

The sport that first comes to mind is running. 

I think there is a better sport. 


Argh, I don’t want to make this a ‘moi moi moi.’ 

So, I will do it quickly. 

This is the sport I come from. 

Long distance and open water. 

Okay, done. 

That beautiful inhale. 

The even more beautiful underwater exhale. 

In, Out, In, Out. 

A deep, soft inhale. 

A long, soft exhale. 

‘A symphony of rhythm.’ 

Over and over and over and over. 

The Front Crawl captures this breathing the best. 

It is controlled breathing at its finest. 

It is timed breathing at its best. 

Beautiful rhythmic breathing. 

Breathing that lets you go the distance. 

Inhale, head back in water, exhale underwater, repeat. 

No matter what the day, or what the ride, I will get ahead of myself. 

I will get behind myself. 

I get carried away. 

I came on too strong. 

Too fast off a light. 

Too fast up a hill. 

Not thinking. 

My breathing does not match what I am doing. 

It is ahead. 

It is behind. 

It is not matched. 

My breathing is not in sync with my current riding. 

I know my remedy. 

Two words. 

‘Settle down.’ 

It is that simple. 

I know right away. 

Bring it back to my breathing. 

Within metres, I am back on track. 

I pretend I am in the pool. 

I pretend I am in the ocean. 

I am doing The Front Crawl. 

In, OUT, in, OUT. 

Get it back under control. 

Make every breath count. 

Send it to where it is needed. 

Then I leave it. 

Think about other things. 

Haha, then I get carried away again, and the whole process starts over again. 

But that is good. 

I am aware of the ‘problem.’ 

I know the ‘solution.’ 

I am working on it. 

I will never master it. 

I am fine with that. 

I just want a solution when I get ‘carried away.’ 

‘When I get carried away.’ 

Insert swimmer emoji here. 

‘There is another way to ride.’ 

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