I do this thing on Instagram.
I save lots of posts.
But I forget that I do.
Then one day, I save something and remember that I do.
What awaits me is, well, lots of saves.
I play a game.
I call it ‘Why did I save this?’
Especially with the carousels.
It is usually the fourth or fifth in.
Some crazy cool look.
‘Oh man,’ is what I constantly say out loud.
I use this way to come up with topics.
All I need is one photo, and I am off to the races.
I am impressed with many designers.
How they choose to depict a certain piece.
A certain look.
A launch.
A collection.
One photo.
Multiple photos.
A little vignette.
There are a few who really stand out.
A few that take my breath away.
They know when to post.
Less is more.
I think there should be an Award on Instagram for creativity.
There is one designer that would be the Kubrick.
The Scorsese.
The David Lynch.
… Aimé Leon Dore aka ALD
They have it down.
The editing.
They have it down.
Like down, down.
I love to be inspired.
I think I have watched this five times.
Each time I picked up something new.
The editing is on another level.
I love to save.
Insert goalie in net emoji here.
‘Dress Confidently. Ride Boldly. Ride You.’
*Canada Goose