I carry the minimum when I ride.
My minimum.
House key, debit card, and a piece of ID.
No phone.
I carry the minimum for a reason.
I like to make every ride, more than a ride.
I like to make every ride an adventure.
I like to return home from a ride with a story.
I like to get myself into ‘situations’ on my rides.
‘Situations’ where I have to figure things out.
Getting into ‘situations’ is when the fun begins.
Getting into ‘situations’ is when the story begins.
It brings in a different dimension to my rides.
Where am I?
How will I fix this?
How do I get home?
How do I get out of this?
What direction am I going in?
There is no one around, I am all by myself.
But you know?
It always works out.
I love getting lost.
I discover new places.
I discover new routes.
I meet new people.
I stop and ask directions.
Everyone is always more than kind.
It adds another dimension.
It adds another emotion.
There is something about it.
The ‘lost’ on a bike is different from the ‘lost’ in a car.
In a car, it is ‘losing time.’
On a bike, it is ‘adding time.’
I am lost, but I am still riding.
If I am still riding, I am still riding, but riding lost.
I think I know where I am, I think I am going in the right direction, but I kind of know I am not.
Then the farmhouse with the beautiful white fence shows up again, and I realize I made a big circle.
I try the road I questioned earlier.
I head down, and after a while, I say, ‘Yeah, no, this is not it.’
I am in an area that does not see cyclists, so the man working on his roof is thinking, ‘That is the fifth time I have seen that guy.’
Being lost seems to come at a time when I have gone far enough, or too far, and should start heading home.
I slow down.
Try and figure things out.
I wander down the other way, then the other way, and a minute later, I realize I found my way out.
I just had to slow down.
Slowing down is always my solution.
I always forget that.
The best thing?
The next time I am there, I know exactly what to do.
…But I keep riding until I get lost again.
‘Why I Ride Naked’
Insert emoji with a magnifying glass here.
‘There is another way to ride.’