A + B ≠ B + A 

I like to write about the things I ‘take in’ on my rides. 

The things that ‘happen.’ 

That question I keep asking myself? 

‘Do I ride because I love to ride, or do I ride because I love the things that ‘happen’ when I ride?’ 

What I see, what I notice, what I question, what I witness, what I experience, who I meet. 

If you and I went on the same ride and then had us fill out a form, you would get two different rides. 

It could be put into a mathematical equation. 

If I was A and you were B, and we headed out for a ride, 

A + B = B + A 

A = B 

But when we return, 

A + B ≠ B + A 

A ≠ B 

Haha, I think that is how it would look. 

Math was never my strength.

Some things stand out to you, and some things go unnoticed by me. 

Some things stand out to me, and some things go unnoticed by you. 

I don’t think it has anything to do with the ride itself, but it has everything to do with what makes you, you and what makes me, me. 

What may be big to me could be nothing to you. 

What may be big to you could be nothing to me. 

Seeing something new. 

Seeing something I have seen one hundred times before. 

A particular house. 

A shoal in the river. 

Riding a railing’s shadow on the path. 

The woman with the big yellow glasses. 

The bird that sings like a referee’s whistle. 

Thinking I should stop here. 

Ride right past. 

Something to admire. 

Everyone rides differently. 

Everyone sees differently. 

Everyone rides for a different reason. 

Today’s ride will be completely different from tomorrow’s. 

Yesterday’s ride reminded you of a ride you had forgotten about. 

I think this is what makes bike rides so great. 

Even if you rode the same route every day. 

Every ride would be different. 

It is hard to keep track of each individual ride. 

At the end of the week, they all blur into one big one. 

I am not sure if I am okay with that. 

I mean, when I get home, it is over, and I am more than content physically. 

But I wish there was a way that I could remember more of them. 

When I get into bed, I do the ride I did that day in my head. 

Right from my front door. 

Haha, but two blocks in, I am out cold. 

There has to be a way. 

Something to put to memory. 

Something to ‘keep them.’ 

A keyword. 

A photo. 


‘A + B ≠ B + A’ 

Insert math textbook emoji here. 

‘There is another way to ride.’ 

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