I experience this ‘phenomenon’ now and then on my rides. 

It is hard to define it without giving an example. 

I had to GOOGLE my ‘phenomenon’ and see if a word came up. 

It did. 


‘Being present anywhere and everywhere.’ 

Then something else appeared below it. 

I will tell you what that is at the end. 

I will give you the example first. 

It happens every so often on my rides. 

That unknown person who can show up countless times in one ride. 

I have no idea who they are and never will. 

It happened again the other day. 

I passed a woman, and she had a neon pink helmet on. 

Not a big deal 

I just noticed her, that’s all. 

Then, an hour later, I am somewhere else, and I see a neon pink helmet approaching. 

I pass her, and say to myself, ‘Oh, I remember her.’ 

Later, I see a neon pink helmet, and I say to myself, ‘is this her again?’ and it is. 

When it happens the next time, I shake my head in a WTF way. 

Later, I am not even on my bike, I have been home and showered, and sitting on a patio, and she rides by. 

What is up with that? 

It is like when you learn a new word, and then hear it everywhere. 

This is what I found below ‘Omnipresent.’ 

The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon 

The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon (also known as the Baader-Meinhof effect or the frequency illusion) is a name for the experience of learning of or encountering something for the first time and then very soon after encountering it again, often in multiple places. 

OMG, I love it, it even has a name. 

What a wonderful world we live in. 


Insert content emoji here. 

‘There is another way to ride.’ 

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