I follow a few people on Instagram. 

Not many. 

Designers, and a few Cyclists. 

There is a Cyclist I follow. 

I like him. 

He is serious about Cycling. 

He is also having a good time. 

He posts some interesting ‘stuff.’ 

I feel bad for him now and then. 

He will post something. 

Something that he thinks will help you improve. 

Something that you can work on. 

Something new to try. 

But whenever he does, he is JUMPED ON. 

It is kind of crazy. 

Like crazy, crazy. 

Not a good crazy either. 

Far from it. 

But I like it when he makes these posts. 

I leave ‘the door open.’ 

He is coming from somewhere else. 

He has done another sport all his life. 

He was also very good at that sport. 

It has not always been Cycling, Cycling, Cycling. 

I am sure that all the ‘crazy comments’ come from Cyclists who have only Cycled all their lives. 

Do not know another sport. 

You have to be open. 

It is incredible what you learn from other sports. 

What new things they can introduce you to. 

What things transfer over beautifully. 

What things you had no idea of. 

What new things you can use. 

The cycling world is too hard on each other. 

‘Count to ten before pressing send.’ 

Insert trophy emoji here. 

‘There is another way to ride.’ 

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