I enjoy where I find inspiration. 


On the street. 

In a photo. 

In a painting. 

From a Red Carpet. 

From a Fashion Show. 

…Anywhere really. 

It can be the outfit itself. 

It can be the combination of colours. 

It can be the combination of styles. 

It can be the types of layering. 

I dig deeper. 

I find the designer. 

I look at what else they are doing. 

This leads to finding another designer. 

Other photos. 

Other videos. 

Other looks. 

What it leads to is the purchase. 

Maybe not the whole look, but parts of it. 

But I changed things. 

I changed things for the better. 

I am having more fun. 

I do not purchase it anymore. 

It makes me stop and think. 

‘You know? I already have it.’ 

Not the exact thing, but a version of it. 

I copy the look with what I have. 

I put the ‘TJ Touch’ on it. 

Make something I like even better. 

I already have a brown pair of shorts. 

I already have white shirts like that. 

I already have a Blue Blazer. 

I have those coloured socks. 

I sometimes do this in my head. 

Heck, I even do it while I am riding. 

Do a mental inventory of my dresser and closet. 

Other times, when I am home, I will simply go upstairs. 

I love doing this. 

It is like having a whole new wardrobe. 

I especially like to do these combinations on cooler rides. 

When it is nice to layer. 

When you have lots more options. 

You can ride in anything you want to ride in. 

When you dress confidently, you ride confidently. 

Ride in cotton. 

Ride buttoned to the top. 

Ride with a belt. 

Ride YOU. 

Give it a shot. 

Here are a couple of styles that I have ‘cut and pasted,’ with what I already had. 









Give it a shot, it is fun. 

You will be amazed at what you come up with. 

It leads to some great new discoveries with ‘stuff’ you already have. 

‘Cut and Paste’ 

Insert scissors and glue emoji here. 

‘Wear it OUT’ 

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