When you lock your door to head out for a ride, are you already excited to return home? 

It is not like you don’t want to go on a beautiful ride, it is just that you love the rituals you have in place upon your return. 

Wonderful rituals and the pleasure they give you. 

You follow them like clockwork. 

The cleaning of your bike. 

The place you put it. 

Taking off your shoes and socks. 

Walking around barefoot. 

A quick sweep. 

Putting a beer glass in the freezer. 

Getting the shower to the temperature you love. 

Dropping your clothes into a dirty pile. 

A squirt of shampoo and a good scrub. 

A good smelling soap that you use right down to the spaces between your toes. 

Rinsing off the soap and thinking about what you will make for dinner. 

Putting on comfy, clean clothes and staying barefoot. 

Throwing your dirty clothes in the washer. 

Finding your favourite playlist, and playing it a little louder.

Adjust the lighting, and light a candle or two. 

Open the freezer, get your glass, and open a beer. 

Drink half of it in two gulps. 

Look back in the fridge to see how many you have left. 

Cut a piece of old cheddar, and pair it with a great cracker. 

Repeat (x5) 

Make a nice dinner and toast a bagel, just in case you are still hungry. 

Set your place. 

Find a good article to read online. 


Clean up. 

Put your clothes in the dryer. 

Find the remote and get into your position on the couch. 

Think about what you will have for dessert, but you know it is going to be ice cream. 

Haha, Tuesday nights are great. 

‘Cycling Condiments’ 

Insert contented emoji here. 

‘There is another way to ride.’ 

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