ENTITLED Part #4 Curtain Call

I was thinking of my last three posts. 

ENTITLED Part #1, Part #2, and Part #3. 

I read them over again. 

I was concerned with how I came across. 

You would read me wrong. 

Like I was one of those ‘COP’ riders that yells at and scolds every rider. 

‘You are going too fast!’ 

‘Bad place to stop!’ 

I could not be further from that. 

I can go for a four-hour ride. 

I get home, say hello to my neighbour, and realize it is the first time I have spoken in four hours. 

I have singled out the ENTITLED Cyclists. 

It is just this one group. 

They are the only ones. 

It is funny, though. 

The whole ENTITLED thing is in every aspect of your life. 

The car that buts in at the last second. 

The person who goes to the front of the line at a movie. 

Pushes in with their grocery cart. 

In the Cycling World, these are ‘those’ people. 

But, come on, is it not the best when you see ‘those’ people not getting what they feel they should get? 

That is all I am doing. 

No words, and great satisfaction. 

I think you are getting the idea. 

It is just so much fun. 

I was fooling around online. 

I was searching and reading about everyone, who, you know, kind of spoke for the underdog. 

In my case, the rider with no voice. 

But I searched more in the ‘Superhero’ world. 

I wanted to see which Superheroes worked for the underdog. 

Not for a remote second, putting myself there. 

Just out of interest, that is all. 

In my case, the people on Bixies who have no voice, the commuters who just want to get home, the woman with her kid on the back, and the couple out on a nice ride together. 

The ENTITLED Cyclists walk all over these people. 

…RIDE all over these people. 

I want to be their voice. 

And yet, have no voice. 

Do it with my actions. 

It makes such a better statement. 

They think about it longer. 

I know they do. 

‘That guy was such an A-Hole.’ 

I get a reaction. 

‘There is that guy.’ 

When they ‘RIDE’ all over those with no voice, they are completely oblivious. 

I want to make them aware. 

That is all. 

I could use a hand. 

I am looking for recruits. 

If you see a guy riding with a cape, stop me. 

Oh, and btw, I am going to end it here with Part #4. 

The ‘show’ is over. 

But, I think the curtain may rise again. 

‘Curtain Call’ 

Insert person bowing emoji here. 

‘There is Another Way to Ride.’ 

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