I have been thinking about a sentence I wrote in a recent post. 


‘You will only find LaLa Land when you ride without your phone.’ 

I thought I would get into that a little more with this post. 

There is a fine line between being ‘preachy’ and ‘try this.’ 

I want to ensure you that this post is completely ‘try this.’ 

Ride without your phone. 

Hang up. 

Why are you riding with it? 

Does it add to your ride? 

Does it take away from your ride? 

Don’t take it. 

Leave it at home. 

Give it a try. 

Phones mess up rides. 

They ring. 

They vibrate. 

Should I answer? 

Should I check? 

Do I have to stop? 

Who could that have been? 

Is it a client? 

Your life is on the phone. 

Your life is on that phone. 

Let’s not have this wonderful ride on it. 

Let’s keep this part of the day for you, and yours alone. 

Not let others know. 

There is too much importance placed on who else saw your ride. 

Nobody really cares. 

Swipe Swipe Pass Forget. 

Replay the ride in your head at night when you go to sleep. 

You may get lost now and then, but you will find your way out. 

Riding lost and riding knowing exactly where you are, has zero difference. 

You are riding. 

Don’t let GOOGLE, STRAVA and the others tell you where to go. 

You are the boss of that. 

You will find so much more without them. 

Apps change the way you ride. 

Riding should not be controlled by an App. 

It takes away from the naturalness of it. 

The simplicity of a great ride? 

You and your bike. 

Just ride. 

Ride under the radar. 

Ride for you. 

Take seconds off the posted times and have no idea that you are doing it daily. 

‘Hang Up’ 

Insert whispering emoji here. 

‘There is another way to ride.’ 

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