I kind of wonder sometimes.
Wonder if I will run out of things to talk about.
Things to talk about regarding cycling.
Things regarding cycling when I am not cycling.
Things in the middle of February.
That is where I am right now.
We are getting hammered right now as I type this.
40CM and counting.
The wind has picked up.
I cannot see across the street.
I am all cozy inside.
But I have so many things in my head.
I went for a big walk today.
Hood up.
Head down.
Snow up to knees in some places.
But I was walking familiar turf.
Turf I have cycled on countless times.
Turf that I remember riding in the dead of summer.
Sunshine, green trees, blue sky, 28 degrees, slight breeze, 4:00 PM.
I recalled those rides.
They came back easily.
Not as one specific ride.
One massive blur of rides.
I locked today in my head.
Do the opposite.
I want to bring it back.
On a specific day.
Dead of summer.
Sunshine, green trees, blue sky, 28 degrees, slight breeze, 4:00 PM.
Remember walking this when the snow was up to my knees.
I had a funny though.
One that I experienced all on my own.
I got a good chuckle out of it.
I tripped.
I even went down.
But you know what I tripped on?
What I tripped on with snow up to my knees?
That really bad divot in the pavement on the path that I always have to remind myself to avoid when I am riding.
The really bad divot in the pavement on the path that I always have to remind myself to avoid when I am riding…but for some reason, I always hit.
‘I Will Never, Ever Run Out’
Insert bookmark emoji here.
‘There is another way to ride.’