I have been Cycling for years. 

But I came from a different sport. 

I was lucky, that sport set me up nicely to ride. 

There were ‘things’ from it that I was able to transfer. 

I still do that sport, and now I transfer things from Cycling back to that sport. 

But there is one major ‘thing’ I will not transfer back. 

One major ‘thing’ I refuse to transfer. 

One major ‘thing’ I will never transfer. 

The Cycling Culture. 

Oh man, it is brutal. 

Brutal on itself.

Brutal on others. 

It refuses to change. 

Accept new. 

Break the old. 

Attacks anyone who tries something different. 

Rides different. 

This is how it is done. 

This is how it will be done. 

New ideas are shot down. 

New techniques are shot down. 

I cannot figure it out. 

‘Who is in charge?’ 

Haha, it is time for a revolt. 

When was the last time you got excited by something? 

When was the last time you saw an innovative bike launch? 

When was the last time you saw something intriguing on Instagram? 

When was the last time you saw someone riding, trying something different? 

It is just so, hmm? 




Same old. 

Swipe, swipe, swipe, move on, and forget. 

Why do we put up with this? 

Cycling refuses to change. 

It goes through waves of popularity. 

Ups and downs. 

And wonders why. 

Who would want a business model based on that? 

Something is to blame, and for me, it is blatantly obvious. 

The refusal of Cycling to accept change, and more importantly, EMBRACE change. 


The work is done. 

It is one of the most fun and exciting sports in the world. 

It just has to be bolstered.

But doing a shitty job. 

It should be innovative, open, ahead, curious, and CREATIVE. 

It is not. 

Who is looking at Cycling as a way to do things?


One of the things I am hardest on myself for is a ‘missed opportunity.’ 

I can beat myself up over that. 

Cycling is a continuous loop of ‘missed opportunities.’ 

What I work on is not to miss the next ‘missed opportunity.’ 

I work on things. 

Try to become a better person. 

Work at letting go of ‘shit.’ 

Learn from my mistakes. 

Move on. 

Listen, I am not saying I am not guilty of this Cycling ‘monotony.’ 

The whole ‘people who live in glass houses’ thing. 

But I am trying. 

I am trying to start from somewhere. 

I have to. 

For me. 

I do not have a big presence on Instagram. 

I say NOT to follow me in my profile. 

Far rather have people see me here. 

Spend some time. 

I try to stay away from following anything to do with Cycling. 

I can get that on my rides. 

I do not need it online. 

I look for inspiration from outside the Cycling World. 

The Cycling World looks for inspiration from within. 

No comment.

I follow designers who are crushing it on Instagram. 

Know exactly what to do, and exactly how to do it. 

In a way, you never knew you ‘needed.’ 

Telling captivating, innovative, and intriguing stories that pull you in. 

Stay with you. 

Leave you thinking about them. 

Try and apply it to my own world. 



Be open. 


Imagine if  Cycling clothing or a new bike were launched like this. 

This is from Aimé Leon Dore. 


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A post shared by Aimé Leon Dore (@aimeleondore)

La vérité fait mal.

‘If Vivaldi Can be Recomposed, Why Can’t Cycling?’ 

Insert frustrated emoji here. 

‘There is another way to ride.’ 

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