‘Maybe this is as Good as it Gets,’ was about a guy friend of mine.
I mentioned I would talk about a girlfriend of mine in my next post.
This is my next post.
She is on par with Ryan, but on a different level.
Not a higher level, simply a different level.
A level I strive to be on with both of them.
Baby steps.
We talk all the time and get together at every opportunity that arises.
I was talking with her on the phone the other day.
She was having some issues with a friend of hers.
Her friend had done something pretty rotten.
I know there are two sides to every story.
But you know?
She had a case.
She made her case.
I listened.
I was also kind of blown away.
‘Wow,’ I thought.
It was quite the story.
I actually wondered if they could make amends.
At the end of the call, she said she had to go.
She said she had to go to ‘that person’s’ house.
‘That person’ had asked her to look after her dog for the day.
‘It is not between me and her dog,’ she casually dropped.
I remember hanging up and walking around my place.
It took a while for it to sink in.
It still really hasn’t.
Even as I type away like this.
The only thing I can come up with is ‘Emotional Maturity.’
Here you go, a little cut and paste.
‘An emotionally mature person has reached (and continues to work at reaching) a level of self-understanding with regard to their thoughts and behaviours and then decides how to best approach and cope with situations that might otherwise be trying or challenging.’
I am trying to tie this somehow into cycling.
Maybe on this one, I will just leave it at this.
If you are upset with someone, and they are going to be on today’s ride, just ride.
It will work out.
Everything can be tied into cycling.
‘It is not between me and the dog.’
Insert dog bone emoji here.
‘There is another way to ride.’