#4 Leaving it ON

I did not find J.Lindeberg. 

J.Lindeberg found me. 

I like it when things find you.  

You know it was meant to be.  

I was in a store, and I saw a Polo I liked.  

I pulled it off the rack, and as I did, I saw a Polo about six back.  

It was not supposed to be there.  

It did not fit in.  

I pulled it out.  

It was love at first sight.  

I put the first one back.  

This one was equal to two.  

The style, the design, the fit, and the fabric.  

I had never seen a Polo that got it all right.  

Now comes the scary part.  

‘Please be my size?’  

It was.  

The woman at the counter commented on how nice it was, as did the guy behind me.  

I changed in the car.  

I got home and put on a pair of navy shorts.  

The Polo looked good with navy.  

I got on my bike, and off I went.  

This is how it started.  

‘Derailed Couture.’  

I still have, wear, and get compliments on that Polo.  

I have purchased a ‘few’ more since then.  

I have the link at the bottom.  

Here is why.  

It is the perfect Performance Polo.  

Better than any Jersey I have worn.  

And a style that no Jersey will ever come close to matching.  

The fabric is soft. The perfect softness. It clings to you, but not in a restrictive way. It has a four-way stretch. It stays tucked in at the back. It has ribbed sleeves. When you extend your arms, the sleeves go up slightly, tighten comfortably, and stay there. It has three buttons, and the Placket matches the fabric block it is in. I am a top-button guy. It does not choke, not even close. The collar is firm and stays firm. I do not like clothes that lose what is supposed to remain firm after a few washes. It stays dry, it breathes. A good test of a Performance Polo is when you stop. This is when you can tell if it is ‘working.’ With J.Lindeberg I was never adjusting or pulling in places because it was sticking to me.  Sometimes designers do not know when to stop and create ‘too much,’ aka overkill. J.Lindeberg knows when to stop. I am not a big logo guy – the logo is small, and ingenious. They made it a design. They call it ‘The Bridge.’ For me, it is the bridge between Golf and Cycling. Their logo is so good that they can plaster it all over a Polo, and unless ‘if you know, you know,’ kind of thing, anyone would just think it is a cool design. I think what makes a great Polo is that you forget you are wearing it. It becomes a part of you. You look down while you are riding and say, ‘OH YEAH, I am wearing that Polo I love.’ I am hard on clothes, both in wearing and washing. It has lost nothing. When you pull it out of the washing machine, it is already dry. As for sizing, I like things that fit not necessarily tight, but the next thing to it. The model’s height and the size they are wearing are right there. I am a medium and wear their medium.  

I do not go out of my way to be different, or to stand out. If riding in a beautiful Polo that fits and performs, matched with a great pair of shorts happens to make me stand out, well, it is happening.  

The perfect test for a great Polo?  

How fast do you want to take it off when you get home from a ride.  

This one you will still be wearing while out for dinner.  

Be prepared for compliments.  

Thanks for reading.  


‘Leaving it ON’  

Insert cool wind emoji here.  

‘Wear it OUT’ 

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