The name I gave the Video Game I want to put into production. 

I have not figured out all the details. 

It is all still kind of in my head. 

BUT I have a name for it. 

That is a good start. 

It is based on the things I encounter when I ride. 

The Obstacles. 

The ‘Pedal Panic.’ 

I said ‘I,’ but I know it is ‘you’ too. 

It is universal. 

I think it would be a fun game to play. 

VR Headset, or on a screen? 

I think a VR Headset. 

Your job is to Cycle a route from Point A to Point B. 

There would be lots of routes to choose from as a Player. 

Each one will have its own challenges. 

Its own obstacles. 





A mix of them all. 


The jogger is going to do a U-Turn right in front of you as you go to pass. 

The car is going to race past you only to turn in front of you without a blinker. 

The guy on the electric Bixie, on his phone, riding with no hands. 

Mom and Dad are going to teach the kids how to ride a bike on the bike path. 

A Squirrel is going to run across the path but will stop halfway. 

The two people walking one way on the path will meet up perfectly with the other two people walking the other way. 

A group of thirteen people are riding Electric Bikes. 

The path will be all pavement except for the part where you do a ninety-degree turn, it will be gravel. 

The dog is on an Extenda Leash, and the owner is on their phone. 

That guy riding towards you is going to pass the woman pushing a baby carriage, but he is going to pass her at a terrible time. 

Lightning strikes the telephone pole ahead of you. 

The rider ahead of you drops their water bottle. 

The parked car with nobody in it actually has somebody in it, and they are going to open their door. 

That large hose crossing the road is not soft, it is actually pressure-filled with water. 

The car at the intersection is waiting for you to pass, but it is not. 

That gravel road you are on turns really soft. 

At your favourite curve, three motorized scooters appear from the other direction. 

That puddle was deeper than you thought. 

One hundred metres from the drawbridge, the siren goes off. 

Halfway across a metal-grated bridge on a rainy day, you realize it is like riding on grease. 

The light turns yellow at the bottom of a great hill. 

The guys riding towards you are carrying fishing rods that extend onto your side of the path. 

The person that has been chasing you for the last ten kilometres is actually on a motorized scooter. 

OMG, haha, I could go on and on with the ‘obstacles.’ 

I am sure you could add to it too. 


You must admit, it would be a fun game. 

I think I am onto something. 

Something to keep you on your Cycling toes. 

Something that I like to refer to as, 

‘Pedal Panic’ 

Insert VR Headset emoji here. 

‘There is another way to ride.’ 

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