It is windy where I ride. 

Pretty well every day there is a good wind. 

I have one little advantage. 

I sail. 

A small, fast, wet, and exhilarating one. 

One that if you have a bathing suit and a life vest, you are good to go. 

There is terminology in sailing that gives names to the different types of ‘Point of Sail.’ 

When I am sailing, I don’t say them enough, but I know them when I am doing them. 

I bring them into my bike rides. 

Practice them. 

It is a good distraction to think about when riding pretty well directly into the wind. 

‘Close Haul.’ 

Something I think about when riding up the Champlain Bridge and the wind is coming at me but at an angle. 

‘Close Reach.’ 

That nice feeling on a hot day when it feels like a fan is constantly blowing me on my side. 

‘Beam Reach.’ 

That feeling I get when I turn around, head back, and the wind is behind me, not directly, but I know it soon will be. 

‘Broad Reach.’ 

I will save the last ‘Point of Sail’ until the end. 

Sailing teaches you how to read the wind. 

How to use it. 

How to know what is coming. 

‘A Cat’s Paw.’ 

A gust of wind touches calm water, and it creates a patch of larger ripples that are darker in colour.   

I know what to look for. 

I know what to feel for. 

I don’t think there is one correct way to ride into the wind. 

I think it is personal. 

You do what works for you. 

Suck it up. 

Swear at it. 

Embrace it. 

Think about it. 

Try and ignore it. 

Keep plowing through. 

Leave everything as is. 

Think about other things. 

…That is my approach. 

Think about other things. 

I let my mind go. 

I think about sailing. 

All the fun I have had. 

There is one thing I love about riding into a strong headwind. 

The second I turn around, I have forgotten about it. 

It is a distant memory. 

It is on my back. 

I have let my sails out as far as they can go. 

I may even throw up my Spinnaker. 

The sail position is called ‘Running.’ 

…But I call it ‘Riding.’ 

‘Point of Sail’ 

Insert a beautiful, colourful spinnaker emoji here. 

‘There is another way to ride.’ 

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