
11:00 AM. 



I looked at all my weather sites. 

Usually one is a little more optimistic than the others. 

Not today. 

It says 100% from now until this evening. 

I checked the others. 

They all said the same. 

I looked at the radar. 

One massive green blob of moving algae crosses my laptop screen. 

All in different shades of green. 

Each blob of algae has a yellow centre with an orange centre. 

But you know? 

I am secretly kind of happy. 

I need a nothing day. 

A day to do this kind of thing. 

I have a problem with not knowing how to ‘stop.’ 

It is a hurdle I have to get over. 

Hmm, not get over. 

Work on. 

Be more aware of it. 



There is nothing wrong with stopping. 

I use ‘nature’ to tell me when to stop. 

When not to ride. 

It is the only thing that will stop me. 

It is telling me not to ride today. 

Have a big breakfast. 

Listen to ‘tunes.’ 

Have a nap. 

Talk to friends. 

Walk over to the market and shop for a special dinner. 

Maybe a bottle of white. 



I sometimes wonder if I ride too much. 

But I just love it so much. 

Sometimes, when I ride, I will ride by a woman or a man. 

They have found the perfect bench to sit on. 

…And read their book. 

It was their goal. 

How wonderful is that? 

I think I am jealous. 

I find it hard to sit down. 

Hard, verging on impossible. 

I would read a page and then have no idea of what I just read. 

I don’t have a television. 

I am good for five minutes of watching, then I ‘drift.’  

I am older now, and as I get older, things kind of fall into place. 

What I should continue to work on, what is okay as is, what I should let go, or simply, ‘that ship has sailed.’ 

But that ship will have a port. 

And maybe I will get on it at that port. 

Or maybe I will not. 

Maybe I will just keep riding and let nature tell me when to stop. 

Maybe I will go buy a book called ‘The Greatest Shortest Short Stories of All Time.’ 

Start there, start small, on the perfect bench. 

I know a beauty that nobody knows about. 


Insert umbrella emoji here. 

‘There is another way to ride.’ 

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