There is some heartbreaking stuff you see when you ride, eh? 


It is a terrible word for a poor animal that has met a terrible ending. 

I think that with the amount you ride, the distance you ride, and where you ride, you are bound to see something. 

I can spot it from way back. 

Or, worse, I have seen it many times, and know it is coming. 

I have an issue with ‘seeing things.’ 

The visual gets locked in my head. 

It is a visual I do not wish to have. 

When I see ‘something’ coming, I look off to the side. 

There are some rides in the country I often do. 

I know the ‘spots.’ 

I remind myself that it is coming. 

Prepare to look the other way. 

I have had a few close calls on my bike, but I have never run over anything. 

But as much as there are ‘sad sites,’ there are also ‘happy sites.’ 

Animals at their best. 

I had a funny one the other day. 

A mother Groundhog was attempting to cross the road. 

Her three ‘kids’ lined up perfectly behind her. 

Off she went, right in front of me, and then suddenly stopped. 

The first two ‘kids’ stopped. 

The third did not. 

It ran right into the second’s ‘ass.’ 

The second turned around and went at him. 

If you have brothers or sisters, you will understand this completely. 


Insert flower bouquet emoji here. 

‘There is another way to ride.’ 

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