I have many rides. 

I alternate them. 

I don’t alternate them. 

Some are aimless. 

Others have a destination. 

I add to them. 

Change them. 

Make variations. 

Go longer. 

Go right. 

Go left. 

Do one section twice. 

Skip a section. 

Keep things ‘fresh.’ 

I name them. 

A name that would mean nothing to anyone. 

A name that means everything to me. 

‘The 21.’ 

A ride that has 21 distinct sections. 

Really distinct. 

It is hard to say which is the best section. 

They are all good, except for one. 

I have a name within a name for this ride. 

Section #9, 

I named this section, ‘Shit, this part.’ 

Here are some others. 

‘Smooth Falls.’ 

‘White Lines.’ 

‘That Sunday Feeling.’ 

‘I Smell Manure.’ 

‘My Private Track.’ 

‘Angry Dogs.’ 

‘I Need Nature.’ 

‘Uh Oh.’ 

It is fun to name your rides. 

Make them yours. 

Keep them yours. 

Keep them special. 

Keep them fresh. 

‘Shit, this part.’ 

Insert hugging emoji here. 

‘There is another way to ride.’ 


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