Spy vs Spy

I used to buy MAD Magazine all the time. 

Oh man, I loved that Magazine right up until its end. 

You were always guaranteed a chuckle. 

You knew what you were in for. 

Each issue contained all the funny recurring themes. 

A great movie parody. 

Spy vs Spy. 

The little cartoons in the corners. 

The ‘Fold-In’ on the back cover. 

‘The Lighter Side of…’ 

I could go on and on. 

My favourite was the one that had the theme of, ‘You know you really are (INSERT WHATEVER HERE) when…’ 

‘You know you really are on your bike too much when…’ 

There is someone stopped in the grocery aisle, and you look over your shoulder to go around them.

You are dressing for work and put your helmet on. 

You check the weather and use the ‘Minutecast.’ 

Walking feels weird. 

You have to use the washroom and scout out a tree, but you are downtown in a suit. 

You look at the bike on the roof of a car, and not the car. 

You can ID someone by the colour of their socks. 

While out for a walk, you look for a ramp and not a curb. 

You start to enjoy the taste of your water bottle. 

The coffee and pastries from a convenience chain store taste like they were flown in from Paris. 

Oh man, haha, I think I started something here. 

Please add your ‘thoughts.’ 

‘You know you really are on your bike too much when…’ 

Insert Alfred E. Neuman emoji here. 

‘There is another way to ride.’ 

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