I live in a part of the world where there are lots of churches. 


None of them are small. 

They are all massive. 

At some spots in the city, there is one on each corner. 

I use them as markers. 

When you are riding in the country, they stand out. 

They are easy to spot. 

You can see the Steeple from kilometres away. 

‘Okay, I will ride to that one.’ 

Then you get to that one, and you see the next. 

‘Okay, I will ride to that one.’ 

Then you get to that one, and you see the next. 

‘Okay, I will ride to that one.’ 

You get the idea. 

It is a nice way to ride. 

You go in all different directions, and you discover beautiful towns. 

I have a favourite. 

The only thing is that the next Steeple cannot be seen from it. 

You have to ride a kilometre or two before it comes into view. 

Then it is at least ten kilometres from there. 

The problem is you have already gone three Steeples further than you thought. 

I have a secret. 

This is where I take a break. 

There is an amazing Depanneur (Variety Store) in town. 

Once you stock up, you go about a hundred metres, and make a right. 

You go down a hill, and there is a park right on the river. 

If you ever are out on a ‘Steeplechase,’ I am the guy at the picnic table. 

Say ‘Hi.’ 


Insert praying hands emoji here. 

‘There is another way to ride.’ 

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