I am not a big ‘Marvel’ guy. 

I kind of lost track of ‘who is who.’ 

But there is one Superhero I have always loved. 

One Superhero I always keep track of. 


There are just so many avenues to explore in his world. 

I discovered that I really enjoy the Batman era/Television Series from the 1960’s. 

It is just so good on every level. 

My favourite part was, is, and will always be, his departure from the Batcave. 

The cave, the bush that moves, the road barrier that folds down, and the sign that says Gotham City, 14 Miles. 

I love how he is living right under everyone’s nose. 

My bikes are black, flat black. 

I am too old to pretend I am Batman. 

But sometimes I wear all black and ride them. 


I have even been called Batman. 

You see? 

I ride alone. 

I appear on the track and leave it just as fast. 

I ride a way home that nobody else does. 

I appear on the bridge and leave it just as fast. 

I ride a way home that nobody else does. 

I ride left at a light, and everyone rides right. 

I know three lights that if you ride as fast as you can when the light turns green, you can get to the next light just as it changes to yellow. 

I know to stay on this side of the canal, it is faster and quieter. 

I know to not take that road, and to go two more roads further. 

I lose everyone with every choice I make. 

It is not like I am smarter. 

My goal is to be back on my own once I have ridden with a ‘crowd.’ 

 I kind of appear and disappear. 

Montreal is a ‘Big, Small City.’ 

I know people wonder where I go? 

Where do I live? 

…they ask. 

I respond by saying ‘over there’ with a nod. 

But I live under their nose. 

I live one street over from the busiest bike path. 

I live on a street that nobody thinks of riding. 

If you want to see my house, ride my street. 

My place is the one with the road barrier out front and the bush covering the door, just beyond the sign that says, ‘Montreal 500 Metres.’ 

‘The Batcave’ 

Insert POW BAM WHAP BIF OOOOF emoji here 

‘There is another way to ride.’ 

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