Cycling is funny, eh? 

All the things that happen. 

All the things that happen that you never talk about. 

The things that happen that if you mentioned them to another cyclist, they would know exactly what you are talking about. 

Not only know what you are talking about, but add their own. 

If you are riding on your own, you simply shake your head and chuckle. 

If you are riding with others, you wonder if you are the only one that is noticing. 

But I am not alone. 

You are not alone. 

Just mention it and watch what happens. 

Cycling Odds. 

You are riding and have not seen a person for an hour. 

You get to your favourite hill. 

The hill you can fly down. 

Before you even start to go down, you see the problem. 

The only four people you have seen on your ride so far are going to line up perfectly. 

The ones coming towards you and the ones going in your direction are going to all line up at exactly the point that you are going to pass them. 

You are riding a backcountry road. 

You know it well and love it. 

It is straight and beautiful. 

The only exciting part is the stop sign you can fly through and make that beautiful turn you love to make. 

You see it coming, and just as you are about to make it, two cars arrive. 

You are riding beautifully up the steep part of a bridge, you are in your own world and moving along so well. 

You come up on someone and go to pass, but you cannot. 

Seven joggers are coming the other way. 

You have to take a ‘pee.’ 

You should have gone a while ago, but you did not. 

It is now all consuming. 

It is all you think about. 

You have to ‘do something’ in the next two minutes. 

You find the perfect spot, nobody around, and as a bonus, a nice view. 

You stop, put your bike against a tree, and three people walking their dogs come around the corner. 

I have so many more. 

I know you do too. 

It is funny, eh? 

How often this happens. 

It is November here now. 

I was on a ride yesterday and saw maybe five other people. 

They all showed up exactly where I expected them to. 

The best parts. 

But that is okay, it kind of makes me laugh. 

After a few in a row, you begin to expect it. 

Predict it. 

I have a way of making sense of it all. 

Like why it happens so often. 

I think it happens so often because it does not happen so often. 

Do you know what I mean? 

Like all the times it could have happened, but it did not. 

All the times it did not cross your mind because it was not happening. 

The hill was yours, the curve had no cars, the hill on the bridge was quiet, and you peed in peace. 

‘The Universal Things that Remain Silent’ 

Insert nodding head emoji here. 

‘There is another way to ride.’ 

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