I remember being in grade school, and a teacher whose name I still remember said, ‘There is nothing wrong with silence.’ 

It took me a while to get that one. 

Now I get it, too much. 

I enjoy it. 

I look for it. 

I cherish it. 

I make it part of my day. 

I think riding a bike is the best place for silence. 

If you ride solo, it is all there is. 

But silence has a noise. 

Things that were never ‘noise’ before are now noise. 

The hum of your tires. 

The click of your chain. 

The sound of gravel. 

A sniffle. 

There is one silence that is the best silence of all. 

It is very fleeting. 

It comes out of nowhere, but the second it happens, you know it is happening. 

When you are going at the same speed as the wind and everything goes that ‘extra silent.’ 

I know you know what I am talking about. 

It does something to you. 

I like to have fun with silence too. 

Use it to my advantage. 

Not let anyone know. 

Keep it to myself. 

Make it look like I am unaware. 

But secretly fully aware. 

I will be out on a ride. 

I am having a great ride. 

I am in my own world. 


Then I hear something. 

There is someone behind me. 

There could be more than one. 

But I do not turn around. 

There is no reason to. 

It does not matter who is behind me. 

My goal is to keep them behind. 

And hopefully, leave them behind. 

Never knowing who it was. 

But I am curious. 

How many? 

How far back? 

But I do not look back. 

I rely on my little clues. 

The clues I developed over time. 

The metal plank that clangs on the bridge. 

The gravel turn that requires brakes. 

The deep puddle that makes a splash. 

The hill that requires a change of gears. 

The pavement that turns into stones. 

How far back did I hear it? 

How many times did I hear it? 

Is the space decreasing? 

Is the space increasing? 

I love doing this. 

It adds a fun element. 

I enjoy it when one of your clues gives you a sign.  

The metal plank on the bridge does clang. 

You think to yourself, ‘Oh, it is on.’ 

I love it when ‘It is on.’ 

But you still do not turn around. 

You keep riding and listening for your clues. 

…And keeping them behind. 

Never knowing, but knowing exactly. 

‘True Detective.’ 

Insert magnifying glass emoji here. 

‘There is another way to ride’ 

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