WILD life

I like riding this time of year. 

I love riding this time of year. 

Spring rules. 

There is so much to it. 

You are so much more in tune with all that is going on around you. 

All the things you forgot about over the winter. 

It is all new again. 

That bad break in the pavement. 

The triple bump. 

The hidden pothole. 

That wonderful curve. 

That fun off-ramp. 

That great straightaway. 

It all comes back. 

But there is one thing that comes back every year that I love the most. 


Every day, something is new. 

Every day, everything advances. 

The grass gets greener. 

A tree starts to flower. 

Branches begin to hang lower. 

Forests get thicker. 

It is beautiful to see. 

You never knew there could be so many shades of green. 

To add to the beauty…Wildlife. 

The Birds are flying from tree to tree, singing away, and building their nests. 

The Groundhog that you see every day now has two babies. 

The next day, there are three. 

The Goose now has six Goslings following her. 

One stands out as being far more adventurous. 

The Ducks are out in the water with their Ducklings. 

Over the few weeks that follow, you watch them grow. 

Venture off on their own. 

Then one day you don’t see them. 

But you do. 

They have grown up and are now part of the ‘Gang.’ 

You cannot distinguish them anymore. 

I love the things you ‘take in’ on your rides. 

There is this Squirrel I see. 

He or she has a bit of a ‘fur issue.’ 

It is incredible that you can be so far from home yet recognize a Squirrel. 

Stopping to help a turtle cross the bike path. 

Avoiding a snake. 

It is fun to take this in on your rides. 

You are in your own idyllic world. 

Then you hear the click of a gear. 

Someone is behind you. 

Somebody wants to take you ‘ON.’ 

They are right on your back. 

You are determined to keep ahead. 

Leave them behind. 

You are, and you will. 

You race but keep one eye on all that nature is showing you. 

The baby groundhogs are so much bigger today. 

The Goslings are without their mother. 

The Ducklings are now Ducks. 

…And you almost ran over the Squirrel with the ‘Fur Issue.’  

I love riding in the spring. 

‘WILD life’ 

Insert bird’s nest emoji here. 

‘There is another way to ride.’ 

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