This one is nothing to be proud of. 

I used to do it now and then, but when the Pandemic was in full swing, I started to do it regularly. 

Going to the washroom outside. 

I figured it was best not to use a public washroom. 

Not for me, but for others. 

I did not think it would be a good idea to go in one. 

Hot, sweaty, that kind of thing. 

The rides were far out of the city, and if I had to go, there was nobody around for kilometres. 

I still did a quick check, just to be sure. 

Behind a bush, around a tree, down a ditch, you get the idea. 

If you are riding, and you have to go, it becomes all you think about. 

‘Just stop and go,’ I told myself. 

I was in a park that I had ridden through many times. 

It is always empty. 

I put my bike against a tree and found a space about five metres into the bush. 

I was about three-quarters done when I hear rustling in the bushes a couple of metres away. 

It was a woman wearing a knapsack. 

She did not ‘catch me,’ but she knew what I had done, better still was doing. 

‘Oh man,’ I thought. 

I quickly walked back to my bike. 

She was now walking on the path, and I knew I had to pass her. 

As I approached her, I noticed something odd. 

Her knapsack had a clear dome on the back. 

Inside her knapsack and looking out the dome was a cat. 

It was staring at me with a look of, ‘Yeah, you are the guy that peed in the bushes.’ 

I had never seen them before, and since then, I have seen them at least twenty-five times, possibly more. 

They are easy to spot, I just hope I am not. 

I know the cat knows. 

‘You know how cats are eh?’ 

Insert emoji wiping its brow here. 

‘There is another way to ride.’ 

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